Nothing ! would be the retort if you ask a
layman, a
politician , a
general or a
journalist ,
what has the United states of America done for Pakistan or the people of Pakistan?."
Bhoka nanga kardiya hai koum ko" have turned the nation into hungry and naked."
Na rozgar hai na sehat aur mehngai hai kay bardhe challi ja rahe hai" there is no employment or health and the inflation is increasing continuously."
roz roz dhamakey hotey hain beh gunna mertey hain jis ko dekho moo otha kay challa ata hai pakistan main koi rok tok nahein hai" everyday there is a blast killing innocents anybody can came into Pakistan without any checking. "
Amerika chahta nahein kay Pakistan main Musalmaan sakun sey rahein aur pakistan taraqi karey" America does not want that the muslims live in tranquility in Pakistan and prosper."
amerika toh sirf yahudioun kay lian kaam karta hai aur yahudi toh islam ka dushman hai woh kab chahey ga kay musalmano ka bhala ho" America only works for the jews and jews are the enemies of islam why will they want good for the muslims.

The US-Pakistan Relations have never been very satisfactory for the People of both countries as well as the governments and the military.The difference between both sides is very huge the United States is a rich and powerful big country whereas Pakistan is a poor and helpless a country prone to natural disasters and bad relations with the neighbors.
The people of united states of America don't really know about Pakistan much and they don't care either. They only get to hear about Pakistan or the people of Pakistan when Pakistan is in deep shit or
in the doghouse put there by the US government (administration / congress) or the military.

The People of Pakistan see the united states of America as a camel .They honestly Worship All Mighty Allah and thank him for it.To them the camel is good because it saves them during the floods and famine alike.and it is a matter of pride as well to have a camel.The Government and military of Pakistan shares this feeling unquestionably.So basically the difference between the US and Pakistan was that US people ,Administration ,congress and military can have the same policy or an altogether separate and independent policy for Pakistan. Whereas in Pakistan the military makes the policy ,the government has to follow it and the people of Pakistan are a one big grand jury that decides at the end of the day if the government is following the policy chalked out for them or not.The Government only survives if it is able to handle well and keeps the camel on the track.Noway the people of Pakistan or the Military can afford to have an irritated or sick camel in their camp.

Good relationships grow with the contact even if you are different physically and culturally.Relations with the roommates, classmates camping mates and co-workers even if they are not related to you or speak a different language eat and dress differently , often turn into life long friendships.Here in the case of US-Pakistan Relations,
people to people contact is impossible because of the distance of oceans and continents between the two countries.
Military to Military contact has always been hopeless because both Military's are extremely professional and mission oriented.The inertness of the personnel and the duration of service does not allow to have good healthy relation on an officer to officer basis. Besides the geo-political situation and scenarios keeps changing so rapidly that even long term pacts and treaties fail to keep them in the same camp for long.
Government to Government contacts is the only reason why the good friendly relation (so-called) have survived for so long.Government officials,bureaucrats,politicians keep a very steady relations with their counter-parts and like minded whether in power or in the opposition . Most Pakistani government people study in the US universities and send their children to study infact some of them are more familiar with the US culture and customs than their native country which remains the cause of concern and mistrust for the masses.

After 9/11 ,the victory in Iraq and Afghanistan some of the fundamentals changed. Military to Military contact grew both military did joint operations.but when fingers and eyebrows begin to be raised they filed for a divorce.The People of both countries are perplexed.The Governments of both countries are unpopular due to economic failures at home.Opposition in both countries wants to cash in on their failed election promises at the same time they want to be on the safe side not being very sure of the military future plans.

Now coming out of the classified and classifications the fact of the matter is that US military is being called back from Iraq and Afghanistan which will automatically end all or any covert mission by the US military in Pakistan.US Congress is trying to cut all military Aid and increase the funding for social reforms such as education,health,woman empowerment and small and private entrepreneurships.Free press and electronic media of Pakistan is fully supported by the US which is ripping apart the undemocratic system of Administration of justice and creating awareness among the masses. The Social Networking is empowering the Pakistani youth which is overcoming the frustrations of the youth giving them a sense of pride which in the long run may even help control the over population.
But the one thing that makes me very happy is the good and friendly relations the neighbors and former enemies of Pakistan now wants to have in order to make the US happy. The Trade not Aid slogan sound very good too but it will take a lot of careful planning and development of the infrastructure which was mostly destroyed during the war in Afghanistan and parts of Pakistan.