Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

What exactly is ‘china cutting’?

What exactly is ‘china cutting’? ARY NEWS

What exactly is ‘china cutting’?China cutting
China cutting is basically an illegal way of carving out big amenity plots, community centres, government plots, parks or even cemeteries into smaller plots up to 100 yards or below each and sale them.
For instance, carving 100, 80 or 60 yards plots from a single plot of 500 yards is called ‘china cutting.

Hundreds of amenity plots in Karachi’s different areas including North Nazimabad, Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Korangi and Gulistan-e-Jauhar have been reduced to smaller plots through china cutting.
A popular Bagh-e-Korangi once used to be a park for public, but it has now been converted into residential colony.
The term china cutting is very popular among real estate developers and agents who often refer to these lands as “china plots” with each other.
‘China cutting’ also drew large public attention in recent days after Rangers mentioned this term in its report on Karachi crimes.
The report said, “Rs230 billion being is being generated annually from Karachi’s citizens through extortion, smuggling of Iranian diesel, water supply and land-grabbing (china cutting in particular).”Embedded image permalink

JF-17 Thunder Solo Performance Over #Paris

Paris Air Show
The Paris Air Show is the world's calendar-oldest air show. Established in 1909, it is currently held every odd year at Le Bourget Airport in north Paris, France. The 2015 Paris Air Show, from 15–21 June 2015, became the 51st. Wikipedia

Sunday, June 14, 2015

100 Israelis counting to 100 in Hebrew!

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Ashobaa today from space

Image of Tropical Cyclone Ashobaa captured by the AVHRR instrument onboard EUMETSAT's Metop-B polar-orbiting satellite on Monday 8 June 2015 at 05:58 UTC.